James Neu: “Zintro lets me be as efficient as possible with my time.”

After spending nearly 20 years as an expert in the nutritional supplement industry, James Neu had recently shifted into a new industry, the beer industry, but still wanted to use his extensive knowledge to help people. He decided to sign up as a Zintro expert. He received an inquiry from a company in Asia looking for help in setting up a distribution network to sell food ingredients and chemical agents in the United States. He responded, and the proposal was accepted.

Neu says he is working with a client that is one of Asia’s largest manufacturers of lactic acid products. “They were looking for someone to help them gauge the pros and cons of setting up their own distribution versus using an existing distributor network,” he says. “From my experience, we were able to discuss what it would take to set up a distribution network for the client and properly service the market. The client decided to evaluate existing distributors and was able to come to the decision quickly based on my input. The project then shifted, and I was able to help them gather information on market pricing and on potential distributors.”

Neu identified what distributors would be looking for in a supplier, and vice versa, and was able to find information on pricing and three distributors who were interested in finding out more about the client’s products, including one who requested samples. The client is happy with the work provided and is looking to continue working with Neu.

“As an independent consultant, Zintro gives me far more exposure to potential clients and projects than I could possibly find on my own,” says Neu. “I can easily and quickly review and respond to client requests that are within my areas of expertise. Using zNotes, I can respond to inquiries with a few clarifying questions to determine how I can help a potential client. Zintro lets me be as efficient as possible with my time, allowing me to match my availability for consulting with my schedule.”

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